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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  October 16, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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were found alive and well. >> there is a guide. >> you can tell by these photos how remote and at times how steep the area is the man disappeared in. this is taken near the very area where she says her son fell down the ravine. he was not hurt, but he could not climb back up. eventually, jason made his way to him and they spent three nights waiting to be rescued rationing of what little food they had. a park spokesperson said this search was tough. >> because of the low visibility the low cloud cover as that limits our area of operation. >> has been reunited with his --
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neal peckens has been reunited with his family in montana. the national park service says they were not just searching by air, but they had folks on horseback on the ground. this is some pretty wild country. i am told the vast majority of the year there is potential for snow and ice anytime. that is what the hiker's ran into last week. both men doing well tonight, no major injuries according to the families. >> thank you. they are going to get a big homecoming, that is for sure. the hikers are heading back to virginia and hope to be back this >> another university of maryland student was robbed at gunpoint off campus. this happened near the intersection of calvert road and princeton avenue. police now have a picture they hope can lead them to the
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suspect in this case. we are live from college park with the latest. >> two male students out for a job just off campus when they were approached by two suspects, one with a gun. all of this happened right underneath of police surveillance camera. this surveillance photo captures the time of the robbery last night. the suspect is seen crossing the street in a hooded sweatshirt. it have been near the apartment where two fellow students -- happened near the apartment of the two fellow students. they ran to the call box and contacted police. neither student was hurt and both suspects got away. the crime happened underneath a police street camera, leading students in the community to feel vulnerable.
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>> buddy system. we have to walk together at all times. >> just last week, police arrested a 17-year-old suspect and charged him with a string of robberies in the same area. he is still in jail. all of the victims were students. >> someone got robbed with a shotgun on the same street, a same corner. >> we should view the photos police are hoping will lead them to the criminals -- showed you the photos please are roping will lead them to the criminals. >> as you can see behind horace a beautiful sunny day outside. a pretty perfect fall day. >> pretty much perfect out there. let's check in with doug hill about how long this weather is going to last. >> a little while. we have no major changes in temperatures or storm warnings
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anytime soon. we're looking live across the city. spectacular weather, a little on the cool side. our numbers are running significantly below the average of 68. we do have a rather stiff breeze adding a chill in the air. later tonight the breeze will diminish, but it's the same time, temperatures will drop. in fact, they will drop into the 50's after sunset. overnight, expect temperatures between 40-50 degrees. a little spring feeling in the air. all kinds of things you will in joy in the seven-day outlook. >> a woman was found dead in her home and tonight fairfax county police have the brother in custody. police are trying to determine a motive for the murder. candace gibson has the details for us. >> fairfax county police
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officers remain at the scene of this homicide at the end of the cul-de-sac behind me. as you mentioned, a woman is dead and someone she knew very well is accused of killing her. >> the person who called police had a simple message for the 911 operator. a woman had been shot. by the time police got to the house, the woman, identified as rick allen, was near death. she soon succumbed to the gunshot wounds at the hospital. authorities say this was the result of a domestic dispute. the alleged shooter, the victim's brother, 59-year-old charles hamilton. he was taken into custody at the scene. this is a relatively quiet neighborhood. neighbors could not believe the news. >> this is a really really quiet area. this is a total shock. i am horrified and feel so bad.
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>> you never think about stuff. i mean, you hear it on the news somewhere else. >> is an unusual thing for this area. this is only the second homicide this year. hamilton has been first-degree murder. >> thank you. just 21 days until we head to the polls, and tonight, the nominees will get a second chance to impress the voters. the debate will be held at hofstra university. presiden finishing last minute debate prep while vice-presidential nominee paul ryan started his day in lynchburg and will soon be in fredericksburg. >> they are lining up early in the heart of battleground virginia. preparing for another big
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political rally. this time, paul ryan speaks to thousands of supporters in fredericksburg, people like jennifer, who got a ticket to tonight's rally and is a first- time voter. she is bucking the trend amongst her friends. >> they do not know about the issues. when you ask about foreign- policy or obamacare, they do not know anything about it. >> the around two face-off will be held tonight at hofstra university in new york. a washington post/abc news poll showed that many believe mitt romney won the first debate on october 3rd. both campaigns are looking for candidates to outline the details of their plans for the country. >> saying i will fix
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unemployment, a fix health care, fix education is not enough. we need details. >> i won both candidates to state their business and what they really can do and will do. >> that was suzanne kennedy reporting. you can watch the debate tonight at 9:00 right here on abc-seven. we are using some new technology on our website so they you can give us your instant reaction to the debate. >> hillary clinton says that the buck stops with her when it comes to safety abroad. >> i take responsibility. i am in charge of the people all over the world. the president and the vice president certainly would not be knowledgeable about specifice by security officials. >> clinton said her agency was
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aware of the growing threat against the u.s. embassy and vowed to track down those responsible. >> coming up, big changes to prince william county's controversial immigration policy and why some are blaming politics for the change. >> plus, they were a hit on saturday night live together. hear what new high [ male announcer
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] president obama says he's creating jobs but he's really creating debt. the facts are clear. obama's four deficits are the four largest in us history. he's adding almost as much debt as all 43 previous presidents -- combined. and over 30 cents of every dollar obama spends is borrowed. much of it from countries like china.
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he's not just wasting money he's borrowing it and then wasting it. we can'caafford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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>> a doggie daycare in arlington whose mural was the subject of a lawsuit now has a new piece of art. it features birds relaxing in a hot tub. the county called the previous meryl and add that violated the sign ordinance -- previous mural an ad that violated the sign ordinance. >> today 24 contestants dressed
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up in costumes to reveal the finalists of panda quest. the winners will be headed off to china. they will spend all of 2013 visiting different in zoos and teaching others about panda conservation. >> the opportunity to work with pandas and promote conservation of my favorite animal seemed like a dream come true. >> panda survival in captivity is extremely difficult. the same goes in the wild. there are only about 1600 pandas left, one of the most endangered species in the world. they need all the help they can get. >> the panda's should join the running presidents for the nationals team. >> that is a good idea. send them that idea.
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>> good stuff here. no major storms on the horizon. let's get you started with a time lapse. we will start at chesapeake beach, looking out across the bay. you can see the sun come up and there it goes. a beautiful day. a bit of a breeze out there. that will diminish. temperatures will drop into the 50's this evening, probably close to 40 in many areas by tomorrow morning. 59 has been the high so far in leesburg. no fog or anything like that. westlake high school, 61 degrees. currently 64 in washington, 59 hagerstown, 64 in manassas. a little chilly when you go a
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little farther north. it is 45 in caribou, maine rain now. the further westwego, the warmer it gets. 82 in the sunshine in st. louis. moderating temperatures are on the way. that will be the pattern going forward for the next 6-10 days here. high pressure and control, clear skies across most of the mid- atlantic, through the carolinas out west. the next cold front is in minneapolis. that will come through next frressure offshore will keep us clear and cold overnight. tomorrow, we will warm up as we get a little change from the southwest. we will be near 70. then we have a convergence on thursday that will make it very breezy throughout the day with
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partly cloudy skies. many areas could reach the lower-70's on thursday. once the front goes by, early friday morning maybe a few lingering showers. it is not going to get so much colder. here is the story late tonight, diminishing winds, clear skies. partly cloudy, beautiful weather tomorrow. the next seven days stay at or above average. 72 by thursday, 71 on friday. over the weekend, a touch cooler. approaching 70 on sunday with sunshine and then right back into the 70's next week. >> really nice. >> keep it coming. this is day two of the trial for two prince george's county police officers facing some serious charges. >> the other officers that were
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there the night the university of maryland student was beaten took the stand. >> the prosecution is beginning to wrap up its case. the star witness today, an expert a teacher of the police use of force. he says he is gone over every second of the videotape taken at night. he said the officers had a right to take that student to the ground, but when they continued to beat him, and that was excessive force. for the second day in a row the jury saudi caught on tape police beating of then maryland -- sopaw the caught on tape police beating of then maryland student. the officers were clearly uncomfortable testifying against their fellow officers, but one of the officers told the court said baker had confided in him that he was embarrassed about
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what he had have -- a about what had happened. the head of the police union says the entire chain of events has been a challenge for his members. >> it has taken a toll over the last year or so. now that the trial has begun, it has been hard on them and their families. >> face down accused of assault and misconduct. -- they stand accused of assault and misconduct. suddenly, a baker hit him with a shield and baton and his partner joins in. mckenna says he did nothing to provoke the beating he took. the defense claims it was justifiable force in the midst of a riot. >> we're just hoping the officers will be given a fair and transparent trial and let the jury make their decision. >> the defense will begin making its case in court tomorrow.
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we expect the both of the accused officers will testify. brad bell, abc-7 news. >> coming up, the super bowl halftime performer is revealed. >> and seven is on your side with a new super vegetable that packs a healthy punch in small portions. experts
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>> 7 is on your side tonight with a ford recall to tell you about. the automaker is recalling fiesta's because of a side air bag problem. if no one is sitting in the front seat during a crash, the airbag will not inflate to protect passengers in the back seat. you can take it to the dealer to get a free fix. >> the meningitis outbreak is getting worse. health officials suspect the problem could include even more patients who got steroid injections for their backs. >> state health officials say the meningitis outbreak is much more widespread than previously thought. the investigation now includes new medications and new infections. federal health officials are sounding the alarm about two new
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medications that may be linked to a deadly nationwide outbreak of fungal meningitis. the drugs are made by the same specialty pharmacy, new england pounding center, they distributed steroids now suspected of infecting a a 233 people. >> she was probably infected with the first round of infections and from that day, the course had been set. >> now the fda is investigating two new infections. one is related to a heart transplant and the other is related to an epidural injection. >> i have an abundance of caution. any drug that is injected, the doctors should follow up with patients and make sure there are no problems.
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>> the primary concern is still the injectable steroids, and the health department put out this alert today. >> the time from exposure to disease can be up to three months. >> that worries patients who received injections weeks ago. >> i have a lot of anxiety over this. >> most patients with fungal meningitis will show early symptoms including severe headaches, fever difficulty with balance, and you should see your doctor right away. do not wait. >> good advice. several priceless artworks have been stolen from a museum in the netherlands. the art theft was the first at the museum. investigators say will be difficult to sell the paintings because they are so famous, which hints for the theft of being commissioned. >> couples on dancing with the
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stars faced for judges last night. he and his partner danced a bollywood inspired number that earned them the first 10 of the season. even though john johnson had a wardrobe problem, she did not know about it. >> she danced a a whole time like that. quakes kirstie -- >> kirsty alley is at the bottom of the pack. >> who is counting? still ahead, the football fiasco the forestay local high school team to make changes and the upper that is causing. >> angela mccaskill speaks out
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about the same sex controversy. >> is it to save money or win latino take away his toys and he'll
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play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yethat's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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maryland schools are number one in america because we invest in the but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland.
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it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i c i promise you that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote qor question seven. >> you are watching wjla 5:00. -- you are watching abc 7 news at 5:00. captioned by the national captioning institute >> the feds have planned to cancel a program that led to the deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants. >> in the past few years, prince william county has deported
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thousands of illegal immigrants and they say that has led to a sharp drop in crime. tonight, they are upset that the federal government is putting a stop to this program. >> anger over illegal immigrants and crime sparked in prince william county in 2010. a man awaiting deportation got drunk and slammed into a car killing a nine. -- nun. >> we have apprehended and identified more in than 5500 criminal illegal aliens. >> under an agreement with ice the county could determine on its own whether an individual was primed for deportation. now the feds are reevaluating the agreement and will likely cancel it at the end of the year.
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only immigrants already deemed illegal in the database can be handed over. >> prince william county officials see it as pandering to be latino vote. >> and the obama administration is playing politics with public safety. this is a public safety measure that has reduced the crime rate. >> i think mitt romney would deport all of us. >> we tried to get a comment from the department of homeland security and ice. we received an e-mail that said this proposal stems from budget cuts. when we up a questioasked if it was politically motivated we did not get a reply. >> two veterinarians that were lost while hiking in montana are now headed home.
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searchers found neal peckens and jason hiserw yesterday afternoon. >> police are searching for two men robbed a student. the gunmen ran off. the students were not heard. >> president obama will square off for the second time against republican presidential nominee mitt romney denied it 9:00 p.m. -- tonight at 9:00 p.m.. >> now we turn to a story you saw here first. a diversity officer of value debt university is speaking out -- galludet university is speaking out for the first time. we have an exclusive one-on-one
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interview with angela mccaskill. mighke tell us about it. >> some thought it was inappropriate for the associate provost to sign this petition. today, she opened up about the controversy, but following her attorney's advice, she will not discuss her personal views on same-sex marriage. >> i am not anti-gay. i never have been and i never will be. i have nothing but love for all of the members of the community. >> since news broke fishy was placed -- news broke and she was placed on administrativeshe says she has received a e- mails from a marriage supporters. >> to have this tarnishing my reputation and, my character hurts.
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>> after our interview mccaskill held a press conference in annapolis where she has received support from governor o'malley and groups like marriage equality. >> signing the petition is a right i have as a citizen of the state of maryland. >> earlier today the university president sent a message to the campus community that the school would like her to return as diversity officer. but mccaskill's attorney says this is a 180 degree turn compared to his previous e- mails. >> we are cautious about his intentions because he had an opportunity to do this some time ago. >> the president says he placed her on leave as a prudent action to allow the university and her time to consider the situation
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after the emotions of first reactions subsided. he says the lines of communication are open and he hopes for a resolution by the end of the week. >> thank you. this afternoon there was a traffic mess in northwest d.c. metro transit police say person was hit and killed by a metro train at farragut north. police were investigating. metro riders can expect minor delays on the line. jerry booth is watching that for us. >> we are seeing delays on i-395 southbound. on i-95 southbound you are slow by the parkway. after martin, we had a crash blocking the right lane. it is to the right shoulder now. on the outer loop of the beltway, very slow going as you
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approach the exit for old georgetown road. you can see the difference in traffic. the outer loop is coming towards you toward the bottom of your screen. a much better pace of traffic. in virginia, heading for the 270, there are delays on and off heading to montgomery county. that is the latest. back to you. >> thank you. coming up, and the local program to protect the elderly from being scanned. house and unlikely heroes are being called on to help. >> and the new super foods you should eat for a healthy diet. >> they are the highest fines are around. see who is pushing for them to
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go down.
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scott pelley: "you made on your investments, personally, about $20 million last year, ynd you paid 14% in federal taxes, that's the capital gains rate. is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you did? so you think it is fair?" romney: "yeah, i think it's the right way t encourage economic growth.""
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lower tax rates for him...than us. is that the way to grow america? i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. >> 7 is on your side with new information about how to make
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your diet super healthy. >> some foods you can buy are significantly higher in nutrients. >> we have the latest in micro greens and why you want these veggies on your plate. >> this dream house is filled with micro greens. >> the micro green business has increase to the point that we now have a dedicated house for it. >> a ruffalo basil red russian kale. just two weeks after planting, they are ready to eat. vapo90% of his sales go to chefs, but consumer demand is up after usda and university of maryland researchers discovered for the first time how much nutrition is packed into these seedlings. they measured the levels of
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vitamins a, k., c. the results were surprising. >> the nutrition level in the young seedlings are 4-6 times higher than their mature counterparts. >> we knew it was not a fruit because we hadn't -- a flip because we had enough replications of the study again and again. >> radishes, red cabbage and cilantro scored highest overall. all 25 micro greens are packed with nutrition. the researchers suggests adding them to sue, salads and sandwiches. for more about the micro greens you might want to incorporate into your diet, go to our website. pamela brown abc 7 news. >> how about that?
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the smaller the vegetable, the better. >> you will have to suck them down like a brontosaurus. >> been you will be really full. >> coming up, big news about a super bowl performer. >> and anderson cooper makes an offer to a member of our news team. >> coming at
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>> a local high school football team is being forced to forfeit two games. >> the team broke a rule, but they say they did not know about it. >> this is a tough one. basically, one of the students gave a wrong address. was it an accident or was it intentional? the school system will not say. but the team has spent four years working to get to this winning season. >> by all accounts, the wildcats were having their best season in
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a decade. with six wins and one loss, they were on their way to the playoffs. but now a new rule that prevents coaches from poaching players may end it all. one of the wildcats was not supposed to be on the field. >> it is hard to apply a rule that in principle does not mean what is going on. >> this quarterback has an interest in -- has interests from college teams. when the students actual residence and subsequent in eligibility came to light, the team learned they would have to forfeit two wins as a consequence. we could not reach the athletic director, but he told two local newspapers the student gave a false address. the coach questioned whether it was these walls job -- the
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school's job to make sure the student was enrolled at the right school. >> they will just send him back to where he came from. >> with six college offers, free from division one schools parents, -- three from division one schools, parents argue it is unfair to punish them all. >> my son or anyone else's son could be looked at and favorably because of this black guy. >> -- because of this black eye. >> parents are meeting to decide what to do next. >> let's take a look at some entertainment news tonight. two of the funniest women in comedy are teaming up again this time at the golden gloves. tina fey and amy poelher will
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host the golden globes together. they co-starred in two movies as well. beyonce will take center stage at america's most watched sporting event. the grammy-winning tivo will perform the halftime show at super bowl -- grammy-winning diva will perform the halftime show at superable 47. she may appear with her husband or even have a destiny's child reunion. >> a member of our news team got a very special limitation from anderson cooper. if cotter completely by surprise -- it caught her completely by surprise. >> would you like to co-host with me one day? >> i would love to. that would be amazing. let's make that happen. we will hold them do that. we got that on camera, right?
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>> this just in. cynne simpson is thrilled to join anderson cooper next month. you can watch anderson live weekdays at 3:00 right here on abc and keep your eyes peeled for our girl. >> how fun is that? she is going to be so perfect. >> she may never come back. >> that is true. uh-oh. >> let's see what's coming up at 6:00. >> gordon peterson has a look at what's ahead. >> i heard there is a big debate tonight. three weeks from election day. in a little more than three hours, the second presidential debate. coming up but 6:00, both campaigns way and on the expectations -- up at 6:00, both
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campaigns weigh in on the expectations. also, there is talk about lowering fines for speeding. nobody would object to that except maybe the people counting the money and the district of columbia. those who counted and those who spend it. >> let's get another check of our beautiful weather forecast. >> mostly clear skies right now a 61 in arlington. looking across the football field, mostly clear skies temperature, 62. it will turn chillier overnight. 63 in an frederiksberg right now -- in frederick right now. through the evening, clear and comfortable. temperatures near 40 degrees in the morning. today we had 11 hours and nine minutes of daylight. 10 minutes less daylight than a week ago. you can see how the duration of
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daylight in the nation's capital will diminish further as we head toward the solstice on december 21st. it happens every year. it is so weird. at the end of december every year the days start getting longer every year. temperatures will warm back up to the 60's tomorrow afternoon. near 70 by 3:00. a slight chance of tomorrow -- of the shower tomorrow afternoon. a very pleasant weekend and beautiful weather continues next week. a lot more coming of four u.s. 6:00. >> did i tell you about what is coming up on anderson cooper? this week, the university of maryland is honoring a true pioneer, daryl hill. he was a trailblazer when he went to an all white high- school back in the 1950's.
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he then went to the naval academy before transferring to maryland breaking down the racially charged color barrier in the south. >> a a i was reluctance the day i was a reluctant pioneer when i started, -- i was a reluctant pioneer when i started, but when i saw what was going on in the south, i got more motivated. >> hill into word racism and received death threats. he used it to get his competitive juices flowing. >> when they would not let my mother into the stadium i said a pass catching record. >> something else motivated hill. fiore. >> not as much fear of being heard, the biggest fear was fear
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of failure. i understood that if i dropped the ball either on the field or off the field, it would be some time before they tried it again. >> today, i hill continues to break down barriers, dedicating his time to breaking down the financial barriers to use sports. >> a lot of kids cannot afford the cost of organized sports. for to be open competition and fair competition for all our children. no child should be left on the sideline. >> a special guy and a good friend daryl hill. the yankees and the tigers play game 3 of the american league championship series tonight with the tigers leading two-none. 42 strikeouts and a just released the lineup for tonight's game. alex rodriguez and nick
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switcher have been benched. the pin striper's find themselves against it on the road to the ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male
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announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything.
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>> it is designed to protect those who cannot protect themselves. >> it sets up a system of cooperation between law enforcement and banks so that the elderly do not get scant. >> the man whose canter father are now behind bars. they -- scammed her father are now behind bars. the elderly man is now 90 and suffers from dementia. he was told he needed to fix his roof but the roof did not need any fixing. >> at best, the roof was probably a $7,000 project. we're talking about $60,000 at least that was taken from this
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gentleman for essentially next to nothing being done. >> the men continued to come back wrote more and more invoices for the same thing. >> she says if it were not for the workers at her father's bank, the man would have never been caught. it was when he started withdrawing large amounts of cash that folks here took notice. they started paying attention to his bank account. >> it was not normal. >> this credit union already has a policy in place to track suspicious accounting activity. a lot in maryland holds financial institutions responsible for telling police and prosecutors about unusual withdrawals by anyone 65 or older. if they do not tell anyone, they could face a penalty of $5,000. >> i cannot emphasize enough how
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important it was in my dad's case that the people of his credit union were involved. i think it is crucial. >> that is it for abc-seven news of 5:00. coming up at 6:00 -- >> after their first showdown, mitt romney got a boost and president obama said he was too polite. how will they handle their second debate? >> a show of support by some top named politicians for gambling in maryland. the latest on the controversy right now. captioned by the national captioning institute >> could evening once again. our big story tonight round two of the preside


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